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What makes PROMPT different? 

High fidelity simulation

Participants use the same equipment and local protocols that they use every day. Wherever possible they use real medications and disposables.


Patient actors and simple props provide a level of realism and participant immersion simply not possible in a "Sim-Centre" or with mannequins.

Multi-professional teamwork training

PROMPT breaks down inter-professional barriers and  hierarchies. Midwifery, obstetric and anaesthetic staff of all grades who work together train together.


Teamwork themes such as communication, leadership, speaking up for safety and maintaining situational awareness are introduced throughout the course.  

Locally adapted and implemented  

PROMPT is delivered in-house. It can be run in both tertiary centres and midwife only units. Participants gain an understanding of how their unit and their colleagues can work together effectively. 


New protocols and guidelines can be tested. System changes are often suggested by staff after participating in PROMPT.  

Backed by evidence

Peer-reviewed studies have confirmed that PROMPT training can improve neonatal and maternal outcomes. Prospective studies have shown PROMPT training is associated with significant reductions in neonatal hypoxic injuries, a reduction in injuries after shoulder dystocia and improvements in performance in category 1 emergency caesarean sections.  Other studies have confirmed that on-site PROMPT training improves participant knowledge, clinical skills and team working without the need for expensive simulation centre or mannequin based training. PROMPT is one of the most effective interventions for improving organisational reliability available. 

"Teams that work together should also train together, with regular training taking place on the labour ward rather than on 'away days' ..."                                                                  (The King's Fund - 2008)

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Register for our next Train the Trainers Course on 21st June in Christchurch - see our contact page.

© 2018 PROMPT Aotearoa New Zealand

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