What happens on a PROMPT day?

PROMPT training

PROMPT training

PROMPT training
A one day course run in-house
PROMPT training is run as a one day course. Whenever possible all scenarios are run within the labour and birthing unit or on the maternity ward.
Short lectures are given through the day discussing the management of the obstetric emergencies to be practiced through the day.
There is a strong emphasis on localising the lecture content to ensure participants are up to date with local protocols and understand how to obtain help and manage resources within their own unit.
An emphasis on teamwork
Participants manage simulated emergencies in multi-disciplinary teams. Medical and midwifery staff work together exactly as they would when managing a real emergency.
Individual participants will have varying levels of experience, confidence and local knowledge. The importance of managing and utilising the skills and local knowledge available within a team, and managing those resources as a team, becomes obvious as the day progresses.
Teamwork themes of communication, leadership and situational awareness are emphasised through lectures and debriefing sessions.

PROMPT training

PROMPT training

PROMPT training

PROMPT training

PROMPT training

PROMPT training
Lectures and scenarios are adapted locally
PROMPT training can be adapted to run in both tertiary and stand alone midwife only birthing centres. Scenarios can be run on the ward, birthing unit or in a theatre or high-dependency setting.
PROMPT lectures are adapted to include local protocols for the management of obstetric emergencies, ordering blood, arranging transfers or accessing expert help.
Courses are run on-site by a local multi-professional midwifery, obstetric and anaesthetic faculty.
Learning in a safe and supportive environment
Participants have an opportunity to work with each other as teams through simple teamwork exercises at the start of the course.
Lectures are short, focussing on how emergencies are managed more effectively with an understanding of where equipment and drugs are kept and set up, how to call for help and how to work effectively as a team.
Learning is in a familiar environment. For the simulations participants are divided into teams with one team managing an emergency and one observing; assessing technical and teamwork skills.
Debriefing is undertaken in a supportive atmosphere focusing on the tasks undertaken and not the individual learner.
There is no examination or assessment at the end of the course.

PROMPT training

PROMPT training

PROMPT training